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“Conservatives refuse to hold public investigation into advice services bid” Cllr Brendan Glynane

by admin on 24 April, 2012

Cllr Brendan Glynane has slammed Northampton Conservatives after they voted against a Liberal Democrat call to hold a public investigation into why the Conservative controlled Borough Council put in a bid for advice services in direct competition with Northampton Community Law and the Citizen’s Advice Bureau.

Cllr Brendan Glynane said “Northampton Conservatives behaviour last night was disgraceful. Not only did they refuse to hold a public investigation into why the Borough Council had undermined Northampton’s voluntary sector, but they refused to even debate the issue. Local people have a right to know why the Conservative controlled Council sought to remove services from the voluntary sector, but the Conservatives clearly don’t want to answer for the actions of the Council.”

“It all begs the question – what have they got to hide? Who knew what, when? If they did not know about it how can local people have confidence that they are actually in control? If they did, then what on earth were they doing?”

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