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In response to the letter from Labour Councillor David Aaronson

by admin on 25 April, 2012

Cllr Aaronson’s letter (Viewpoint, 19th April) highlights exactly why Labour are back in opposition in Westminster all too clearly. They have all the answers from the opposition but none of the resolution over 13 years of a failed Labour Government.

The easiest way for Labour to have tested their public credentials would have been to have stood a candidate in the most recent By Elections in Towcester but they failed to do so. Again lots of rhetoric but no action.

The recent budget helped lift almost three and a half thousand of people across South Northants out of paying income tax by next May and cut tax bills for a further 280’000 people that really need it. These are people that Gordon Brown thought nothing of when he scrapped the old 10p tax rate for those on the lowest incomes, overnight doubling the tax on the least well off, then went on to plunder the pensions of millions of elderly people to the tune £175 Billion taken out of occupational pension schemes. Those people were expendable under the duplicitous Labour Government which was more interested in supporting the banks than supporting those that need the help most.

And even in opposition, unsurprisingly, the Labour spin machine continues to peddle half truths and misinformation.

Cllr Aaronson seems not to want to mention that in a key Westminster vote objecting to the 50p tax rate being scrapped only 2 Labour MP’s voted against it, So much for their keen opposition.

Under 13 years of Labour the highest rate of income tax never once exceeded 40%, whilst at the same time insulting pensioners with a 75p rise in the pension. Thats Labour fairness for you!

So when the shadow Labour ‘team’ (almost all of whom were running the country into the ground only 2 years ago!) complain its with a background of having sat on their hands for 13 years in Government worrying more about the next election result than doing the right thing for the country.

I don’t agree with every action of the coalition but nor did the Labour Party when they were a majority government. Grown up politics needs grown up opposition not childish myth peddling and mock anger to fit the Murdochesque soundbites.

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