South Northants Liberal Democrats

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Meet the Team

Cllr Scott Collins
I was originally elected to represent the people of Eastfield on Northampton Borough Council in May 2007.
I have lived in Northampton for the last 4 Years. I have 2 fantastic children and a great Partner and live in the centre of Northampton.

This year I will be standing for election in Upton in part of the new South Northants constituency where I stood last year in the General Election. Upton is a fantastic area of Northampton and has a strong Lib Dem history having been represented by Liberal Democrats for several terms.

May 2007 was a landmark year for the Liberal Democrats and myself as we took control of the Borough Council.
Over the last for years we have able to put the councils finances on a much firmer footing and building a more certain future for Northampton and we can shape it for the best of the residents.
I am currently Chair of the Planning Committee, and Deputy Chair of Audit, which looks at the performance of the council and analyses how we are fairing on a regular basis. I also Hold the title of Faith Champion for Northampton Borough Council working to improve the links and understanding between the Faith communities across thte town and the Borough Council. This fits well with another role as Co Chair of the Diverse Communities Forum (Formerly Race Equalities Forum) which again seeks to help the council and communities accross the town to work together and understand the issues they face.

Over the period that the Liberal Democrats have been the administration at the Guildhall the Borough Council has gone from strength to strength, moving from one of the worst councils in England (famously labelled by the Chronicle and Echo as “Worlds Worst Council” and last year was narrowly beaten to the title of ‘Most Improved Council’.

This has been down to good political leadership, common sense and hard working and dedicated staff and councillors. Northampton deserves four more years of a Liberal Democrat Administration – Moving Northampton Forward.