South Northants Liberal Democrats

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Ed Davey MP, Lib Dem Energy Secretary says energy customers are not just ‘cash cows’.   Liberal Democrat minister Ed Davey has compared the UK’s big energy suppliers to greedy bankers and says they face a ‘Fred the shred’ moment as customers getting ever most frustrated and angry at rising prices. The speech given at […]

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Bill Newton Dunn MEP: In Europe and In Work

by scottcollins2 on 7 November, 2013

This week a report by Britain’s biggest business organisation, the CBI, found that every year each person in the UK benefits to the tune of £1225 from EU membership, compared to an annual contribution to the EU budget of just £116. That is undeniably a good deal. Meanwhile, a recent poll has found that 6% […]

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Leaving the European Union could spark the loss of tens of thousands of jobs in East Midlands Liberal Democrat Bill Newton Dunn said today. Analysis of figures from a YouGov poll revealed around 4286 businesses in the region could face closure if Britain withdrew from the EU. It could mean job losses of up to […]

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More than 350,000 children will be offered a free two course meal this week to celebrate the Great School Lunch. The 20th annual National School Meals Week takes place from 4 to 8 November and is the biggest healthy eating awareness week aimed at children in England and Wales. The event is organised by LACA, […]

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European Election Team – Fighting to WIN in 2014

by scottcollins2 on 2 November, 2013

At the Liberal Democrat East Midlands Regional Conference, in Oundle on Saturday 2nd November, saw the Liberal Democrats European Team laying out the main tenets of the campaign for the 2014 European Elections. A day of debates on subjects ranging from Social Policy, HS2 and Wasted Food saw the well attended conference passionately debating with […]

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Today the European Parliament voted on a report calling for stronger European cooperation to tackle organised crime, corruption and money-laundering in the EU. The report calls for better information-sharing and coordination between national authorities to enable them to fight organised crime and confiscate criminal assets. It also calls for stronger maritime cooperation and border management […]

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Following being nominated by her local party the Chairman of South Northamptonshire Liberal Democrats has won a national award at the Liberal Democrat conference in Brighton for her work in helping Liberal Democrats in South Northamptonshire win four council seat in 18 months, including a massive 32% swing against the Conservative administration to win the […]

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Northamptonshire Liberal Democrat prospective Police and Crime Commissioner candidate, Paul Varnsverry, supports the consultation on road safety by the Association of Chief Police Officers (ACPO) and calls for more action to be taken in Northamptonshire. Paul said “More tragic deaths have occurred on Northamptonshire’s roads in 2012 to date, than during the whole of 2011. […]

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Northamptonshire Liberal Democrats have selected Paul Varnsverry to be their candidate for the Police and Crime Commissioner election in Northamptonshire in November. Paul works with policing, security and government organisations across the globe. He has chaired the British Standards committee for police protective equipment since 1998. As an experienced and respected authority, Paul has also […]

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Cllr Brendan Glynane has today welcomed the vote in Council on a Liberal Democrat motion to take up powers to tackle pavement parking where residents are unhappy with inconsiderate parking. Cllr Glynane put forwards a motion calling for the Council to investigate using new discretionary powers made available by the Coalition Government, which gained majority […]

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