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Suport for the Cockerel thats ‘too noisy’ to be in a rural garden

by admin on 21 July, 2011

I was amazed to see an innocent, if a little noisy, cockerel and his equally innocent owner, Carl Welch, being served with a noise abatement order.
The situation has arisen from two neighbours complaining over the noise of the cockerels crowing in the mornings.
In a local news article the owner, Carl Welch, explained that he had taken the cockerel inside to try and stop the cockerel named Cockadoodle Welch from crowing too early in the morning.
But due the owner having to leave for work in the morning the cockerel has to again be placed outside at around 7:00am. At which point the cockerel again began to crow.
Following the councils investigation of the complaints the decision was taken to place a noise abatement order on the owner preventing the cockerel crowing before 7:30am
This has placed the owner in an invidious position of having to get reid of his cockerel or leave for work later.
This decision is, in my opinion, just not reasonable and risks opening the way to other complaints. Maybe we should be worried about other noisy farm animals such as Cows or maybe church bells need to be muffled on Sundays to avoid disturbing people.
Surely the key is that this is happening in a village. Is it really unreasonable to not have countryside noises in the countryside.
I have some sympathy with neighbours but from what i understand the owner has tried to reduce the problem but obviously not to the satisfaction of the local council inspectors.
There must be another way of settling this dispute. Something that satisfies all concerns. I cannot believe that the noise abatement order and removal of the Cockerel is the only resolution.
Message posted to the owner on the Facebook page.

Having heard about your plight i think the South Northants Councils decision is a travesty.
I accept the officers comment that they have to investigate the complaints but the idea of an investigation is come to a common sense decision.
But this appears to be just plain daft and flies in the face of common sense. What next no cows in fields abutting house in case they moo too loud, no church bells on Sundays as Sunday is a day of rest?

I for one will be publicly supporting the fight to keep Cockadoodle Welch in his home and just as importantly trying to get a common sense decision.
Scott Collins, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Spokesman for South Northants
I was amazed to see an innocent, if a little noisy, cockerel and his equally innocent owner, Carl Welch, being served with a noise abatement order.
The situation has arisen from two neighbours complaining over the noise of the cockerels crowing in the mornings.
In a local news article the owner, Carl Welch, explained that he had taken the cockerel inside to try and stop the cockerel named Cockadoodle Welch from crowing too early in the morning.
But due the owner having to leave for work in the morning the cockerel has to again be placed outside at around 7:00am. At which point the cockerel again began to crow.
Following the councils investigation of the complaints the decision was taken to place a noise abatement order on the owner preventing the cockerel crowing before 7:30am
This has placed the owner in an invidious position of having to get reid of his cockerel or leave for work later.
This decision is, in my opinion, just not reasonable and risks opening the way to other complaints. Maybe we should be worried about other noisy farm animals such as Cows or maybe church bells need to be muffled on Sundays to avoid disturbing people.
Surely the key is that this is happening in a village. Is it really unreasonable to not have countryside noises in the countryside.
I have some sympathy with neighbours but from what i understand the owner has tried to reduce the problem but obviously not to the satisfaction of the local council inspectors.
There must be another way of settling this dispute. Something that satisfies all concerns. I cannot believe that the noise abatement order and removal of the Cockerel is the only resolution.
Message posted to the owner on the Facebook page.

Having heard about your plight i think the South Northants Councils decision is a travesty.I accept the officers comment that they have to investigate the complaints but the idea of an investigation is come to a common sense decision.But this appears to be just plain daft and flies in the face of common sense. What next no cows in fields abutting house in case they moo too loud, no church bells on Sundays as Sunday is a day of rest?

I for one will be publicly supporting the fight to keep Cockadoodle Welch in his home and just as importantly trying to get a common sense decision.
Scott Collins, Liberal Democrat Parliamentary Spokesman for South Northants

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